
Friday, April 1, 2011



I'm pretty good. (Or "Pre chillz" as I suppose some would say...)

I also suppose some would call me certifiably insane as I lined up for 8+ hours to get my greedy little hands  on an iPad 2 last Friday. :D

Okay gimme a break. I know I'm a nerd. But I do read a lot of eBooks. >:D

I wonder what kinds of joyous wonders school will bring for me this week. You see, my teachers this year have decided that in place of a final exam, they're just going to put us through PROJECT HELL instead. So, 5-8 different term-long projects due in the same week? Pardon me if I take a posting break. :/

I think the teachers are having a contest to see how many social lives of teenagers they can destroy with homework... but that's just me. Probably because their own lives are empty and lackluster. Either that, or they really need to go out for one night. 

I need to start working on next week's post while I have a spare second... lol.

Sorry, I know my complain-meter is off the CHIZANG, but I need to vent somehow. XD 

I've been CRAZY busy with school and TeenBookaholic Reviews, so I'll post again later!! 


Vivi Valenz

Monday, February 21, 2011

I am calm. I am cool. I am Ice Woman. I am the Coolest of the Chilled. I am the Winter *QUEEN.* I am Definitely Cool. I am..... FREAKING OUT.

Twenty Below Zero. 

Trekking through the wilderness,
Branches shade the light.

My friends, the stars, have long since left me.
To survive alone at night.

Just when I spy a shadow,
Inching closer to my path.

My heart tells me to cower,
But my head shrieks "Face My Wrath!"

The hands that were mine, moments ago,
Now belong to someone else.

A force stronger than I alone.
Core darker than charcoaled stone. 

And as the claws rip through my fingers 
the tremors creep up my spine.

I think one last thought to myself.


Could I have changed my mind?


I was just writing some poetry, you know, to keep my mind off things. :P

I suppose If I wanted to I could do a bunch of paranormal poetry and put it into a book.

Hmmm... Ideas...

Maybe I'll do a little poem at the beginning of each post now.

We'll see. I make no promises. lol.

I've been so crazy busy with homework etc that its taken me a week to post the review for a book I finished on Valentines Day. (which, by the way, I spent alone. Natch.)

Well, that's not completely true.
Unearthly's Tucker Avery kept me company. <3

But its still kind of pathetic to be spending vday with a fictional character....
(Which reminds me, go to Google and type in "I'm having Trouble" and the suggestion "Dealing with the fact Edward Cullen is a fictional character" shows up. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.)

Ah well look at me, Miss Whine Whine Whine Drama Queen. Then again, that's what this blog is for. (L)

So how's your week been CTDQ Readers?

Mine's been kinda hellish.

I've been completely ignoring Jess and she doesn't seem to care, which I expected. After all, she is kinda bitchy. And OMG! I didn't tell you guys what happened to poor Robbie!

Can you say concussion?!

He's a swimmer, and he knocked his head on the wall of the pool and passed out!!!! He's awake now, poor guy, but he can't come to school or do fb or anything until at least Friday. :( I guess I'll send him a fruit basket or something...
So have you heard Gaga's new single Born this Way yet?! I'm loving it!

My and my GBF (Gay best friend) Magnus Bane (Fake name, but I couldn't resist! He's just like Magnus!) have been partying out to it all month. We're gonna see her concert in May *she says hopefully*

Play practice has been really cracking down. (Guys and Dolls, I'm playing Adelaide)
T- MinusTwo Weeks People! This little Adelaide has to get her hot-box dancers down the the auditorium. (Wow.... why did I even say that. That just sounds wrong. Forget I said anything...)

My teachers have been assigning projects left right and center, for reasons unknown to me.

They just don't understand, do they? Did you guys see my tweet where I tried to convince my science teacher to let me do my science fair on Vampires/Werewolves? Technically, they're a scientific phenomenon.

....It didn't go over so well....

I haven't resorted to the classic "Volcano" project yet.... but I can honestly say I'm pretty close. You see, this is what happens when they take the band geek/English nerd and tell her to come up with something "Scientific." *Sigh*

And we've got a really stupid math project too. I'm not even going to bother getting into it. You probably don't care :D
Random Question: I'm thinking about learning how to play bass guitar over the summer. It seems like a pretty cool instrument, and not too hard. I dunno. I want to find a goal for the summer because I'm an over achieving freak :D

Random Fact: I can recite almost every line from Mean Girls off by heart.

"Allllll youuuuuuu
Sucka MC's aint got nothing on me. 
Not my grade's, not my lines.
You cant TOUCH Kevin G.
I'm a Mathlete, 
But nerd is preffered,
I'm like James Bond the Third
Sha Sha Shaken not stirred
I'm Kevin Gnapoor.
The G is silent when I sneak in your door.
I'm making love to your woman on your bathroom floor.
I don't play it shaggy,
You'll know it was me.
Cuz the next time you see her she'll be like
"Thats quite enough Kevin"
"Happy Holidays Everyone"
".....And that was KG and the Bower of Three"

Looooooooool! Just a little refresher peeps <3

Ugh, okay.
So there's a dance Saturday Night, and I was excited about it until the student council decided to let Grade 7 & 8's come.

ACTUALLY?!?! My first effing high school dance and they're letting 7/8's from the elementary school in?! That just means none of my friends are going, and naturally, I have no date.

So I can either go stag- legit stag- or just not go at all.

Maybe I'll go visit Robbie instead.....
lol either that or I can ask Magnus to come as my fake-date bahahahahaha! We can put glitter gel in our hair together!

Anyways, it just feels like everything is coming down to the line this week, you know? Everything is happening all at once. Gack. Its 7:10.

I should have started doing HW an hour ago...
Fun while it lasted.

*Kiss Kiss* Love ya Beeyotch(es) <3


~Vivi Valenz~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The February Blahs & Boys.

Journal, as we speak I am lying in my bed, lamp burning my eyes, and my touch-me-not cat  is sitting relatively close to my leg. I have three projects all due Friday I should be working on, and three books I should be reading. Three seems to be my magic number. 

Stress Level: Moderate-Extreme. WARNING: Bitchy mood swings may occur. 

Oh, hello there. I didn't see you. I was just wallowing in melancholy. ;)

I'm currently at a loss for TeenBookaholic posts due to a lack of finished books & energy so why not blog on CTDQ?

Today was fine.

Definitely *Fine.*


If you are a boy, you'll probably stop reading now and think "If she's fine then why does she need to post an angry blog?"

If you are a girl, you'll be giving me technology air-hugs and eChocolate. ;) (L)

Not that I'm sexist. Just facts people, just facts.

Wednesdays are soo irritating. Like, majorly.

You can't feel an undying hatred towards them like Mondays, nor are they as prolific as Friday.
Its like they were invented to perpetually pester your subconscious as that one nagging thing you can never quite understand.

Or maybe that's just me. Meh. The things I ponder.

Moving forward...

As you may or may not know, I scored Adelaide in my school play of Guys & Dolls.


*awkward unflattering happy dance*

The question is, who got Nathan? (The love interest )

Yes. It was Robbie. Of course. Ag. Double Ag. British Ag. Erlack.

Yes, the same Robbie who has a strange crush on me. *barfs*

Yes, the same Robbie who only hasn't asked me out because I told him that I don't date guys in my class.

Yes, the same Robbie who Reesers is trying to set me up with. *barfs again*

Yes, the same Robbie who is one of my best guy friends.

Yes, the same Robbie who is probably going to enjoy this way more than he should. *triple barf*

Yes, the same Robbie whom I accidentally offend almost daily because of my incredible way with words.

Yes, the same Robbie who is the guitar player in my band. (ex band?)

Yes, the same Robbie who I talk to pretty much every day on fb.

Yes, the same Robbie who tells me a bunch of his secrets. (It's what I do.)

Yes, its the same Robbie who is a ging. (Like freaking Archie Andrews!)

Yes, I believe you have the picture. Awks....


I thought it would be harder to deal with Jess today than it was. I hadn't talked to her since the fb episode, which she still doesn't know about, so I pretended like nothing happened.

No, not because I'm afraid to bitchslap someone.


In a school this small, all the fighting has to be sneaky. I'm keeping this locked on my lips till I need it. One day, I will. You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE MUA HA HA HA HA...

The only peeps who know about it are Robbie, Michie, and Reesers who are like, besties. But even besties keep secrets from each other.

OMG so my school opened their book fair today! I was super pumped! Well, until I actually walked in the room.

I kid you not. I've read every single book in the teen section. Shiver, Linger, Twilight, Tomorrow When the War Began, the Lightning Thief, etc.

I was like, actually?! Only, I had to keep a poker face even though I was internally combusting.

I couldn't give advice about books w/o blowing my blog. *Sigh*

I pretended to have a "Lady Problem" and fled the room...

Meh. Robbie bought it.

Play practice today was also majorly awkward...

There's one scene at the end of the play where we have to kiss and Robbie was like "We should be rebels and start at the end of the play and work backwards." The drama teacher was like, "Um.. No."


I also got assigned a history project. Ew. And a Science lab. Double Ew. and then Pre Economics homework. Triple Ew. I have to do them all tomorrow because I worked all tonight. Bleh.

I've been working on some lyrics for the band today, and I think they're sounding pretty good. I'll post 'em when I'm done.

Must... Keep.... Blogging... Too Tired.... Eyelids....Drooping...Can't see.... Screeeasdf3bilhczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz


PS: You know what's sad? I think the only Valentine I'm going to get this year is will be from the Gym Teacher. You know you're cool when....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The February Blahs & Bitches.

Sup Crazy Teen Drama Queen (CTDQ) Readers?

Where to start?

So if you know me from my other blog you'll easily be able to tell that I'm a book ninja.
Currently, I'm readin 3 different ones, most of which are unpublished. Of course, as most of my friends don't know about my blog- I have to keep what I'm reading a secret.

We all have those nasty little friends who like to "Borrow" anything cool that you might happen to own. (*ahem* like boyfriends e_e) So letting her know that there are 20+ unpublished books in my house would NOT be smart.

Okay, I'll let you know right here and now that my highschool is small. Like, really small.
I'm talking 300 kids in the whole school. Strangely, out of those 300 there are only 25 in grade 9. Yeah.
1 class.
And since 90% of the class was also there in Gr 8. our "Roles" and "Cliques" were established long ago.

Where do I stand?
Contrary to popular belief, I am not the Queen Bee. Nor am I one of her brain-dead lackees. Nor am I a nerd, dork, loser, loner, stoner, etc. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I suppose you could classify me as the one "Everyone Likes" or the "Art/Music Freak." ;)

Last year, I'm not gonna lie, I was probably dead boring. Shy kid, not much confidence, didn't really know who I was, etc. But over the summer I found myself, while working at a graphic design agency. I bought a whole new wardrobe, got a job, redid my room, new hairstyle, started eating better, learned how to do make up better, etc. By the end of the summer I was a whole new me.

I embraced my inner bookaholic, music/fashion/drama/writing lover.

When I showed up back in school, I don't think people knew what to do with me. I wasn't the nerd anymore but I couldn't be "categorized." So I became the listener. AKA, the one people tell stuff too.

All their stuff. I still hung out with my two main girls from last year too, Michie and Reesers. (Michelle and Theresa) But I'm starting to feel like they've changed a little too...

So, there's this new girl in the year above me that kind of changed me a little. I didn't know her last year but we came to be pretty good friends jamming out in the music room together, painting together, etc. She wasn't very nice- ah hell naw. She was actually pretty bitchy in general, and no one else liked her. But for some reason I kept hanging out with her. I guess I felt bad or something 4 her. Lets call her Jessica. (See Twilight ;) )
Jess can play the guitar and piano like no one I've ever met before, and I can sing fairly decently, so we formed a little band. And like any band does, we got a gig. So I got my best guy friend in on it, lets call him Robbie. Robbie and Reesers have been best friends since diaper days, so I guess I knew him a little bit before he transferred here. Anyway, so we put him on drums, and we grabbed an 8th grader named Tanner and put him on guitar. We were pretty good, and I started spending more time with the band then Michie and Reesers. (MISTAKE)

So on the night of our gig, all goes smoothly. We were the warm up band & kicked some ass. Anywho, and I had fun. I even let Jessica sign into her fb from my phone because, why not?

Turns out she left it signed in. To her in an inbox with some random guy I don't know. Talking about how bitchy I am, how my singing sucks, and so does my love life. "Excooooooooth me!?!!?" 

She doesn't know I saw the message, and to be quite honest I don't know how to play this. Thank god for Michie though, I hung out with her on Sat and told her everything. 

I've been sick 4 the past couple days & I'm back at school tomorrow, so we'll see how this plays out. I might just keep this on her as secret amunition, because at my school: Things spread around fast. 

Until Next Time,
